All your wallpaper questions answered

Shipping and Returns

We accept all major credit and debit cards.
SK Filson uses Stripe as its payment gateway. Stripe is certified as a Level 1 Service Provider, which is the highest level of certification for payment processors. Stripe complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), a set of security standards established by major card brands like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express
Standard UK delivery is £5.95, orders over £100 delivery is free.
We can ship to mainland Europe as well and rates will be given at checkout. For all other regions please contact us and we will advise accordingly.
Please note: We strongly advise that you do not book tradespeople until your goods have arrived and have been inspected. We will not cover consequential costs (including tradesperson cancellation charges) arising as a result of delivery delays.
Yes, you can select an alternative delivery address but the parcel needs to be signed for.
Delivery time within the UK mainland is 3-5 working days. If delivery is going to be longer than 5 working days you will be notified by email.
You will receive a confirmation email.
If you are not completely satisfied you may return the product at your own cost, within 14 days after receipt of your order, undamaged and in the original packaging for a full refund. However, if a product has been made individually to your specification then these rights to return do not apply, unless the product is faulty . These provisions do not affect your statutory rights.
Orders for UK and all other countries* should be returned to:
ST Murphy : RE SK Filson
Unit 9, Duttons Way,
Shadsworth Business Park,
NB Orders for overseas Customers must include all UK customs clearance formalities.
When returning goods in any of the above circumstances please send us an e-mail to [email protected] . Please state your order number, date of receipt, the reason for returning the product and whether you would like a refund or a replacement product.
In the unfortunate event of a fault please return the product to us with the labels – it should not be necessary to return all the faulty product. Please do note that you should check all wallpaper products for faults before and during hanging. Carefully examine the first 2 or 3 lengths on the wall, to ensure there are no faults. If at this stage you are in any doubt as to whether the paper is faulty please stop work immediately and contact us. If the product is defective in any way or has a fault, a full replacement or refund will be made at no charge.
When returning goods because of a fault firstly please send us an e-mail to [email protected] as it may not be necessary to return the wallpaper. Please state your docket number, date of receipt, details of the fault and whether you would like a refund or a replacement product.
ST Murphy : RE SK Filson
Unit 9, Duttons Way,
Shadsworth Business Park,
NB Orders from overseas Customers must include all UK customs clearance formalities.
If You live outside the UK You may be charged additional handling fees and custom duties and or other taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charges on a parcel must be paid by the person receiving the parcel (this also applies to retail & wholesale customers) and are therefore your responsibility.
SK Filson has no control over these charges, and we can’t tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.
We recommend that You contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by charges you were not expecting.

SK Filson Gold Damask Wallpaper

SK Filson Pink Floral Wallpaper
Shopping and Product

Different wallpapers require different paste; in general we would recommend a good quality ready mixed or powder adhesive. If you have any questions then email us at [email protected]
We provide an a5/a4 sized sample and these can be added to your cart by clicking the ‘add sample’ button.
Most of our wallpapers are standard sizes approximately 52 cm wide and 10m long .
Email us as [email protected] if you have any further questions regarding this.
Wallpaper is printed on rollers and therefore every wallpaper has a repeat but sometimes on a plain or striped wallpaper the repeat does not matter.
Some common pattern repeats are
Straight match - a straight match means that the pattern matches across the width of the wallpaper. The label of the wallpaper will tell you how often the pattern repeats eg 53cm.
An offset match sometimes called a half drop, means the match is obtained by halving the repeat. For example a label might state a 53/26.5cm offset match. This means the design repeats every 53cm and the point at which they match from left to right is every 26.5cm.
Free match means there is no matching required. It is the easiest product to hang, as no matter how the strips of wallpaper are hung, no visible join or seams need to be worried about. This also reduces the amount of wastage.
Yes when you place an order, you can complete the ‘request a batch number’ section on the ‘Your basket’ page and give us details of the exact batch you require.
Wallpaper is printed in batches of rolls. It is important to have the same batch number, to ensure colours match exactly. The batch number is usually located on the wallpaper label close to the pattern number. Remember batch numbers also apply to white wallpapers, as different batches can be different shades of white.
Insert image of batch number example from a roll
Lining paper gives a perfect base on which to hang wallpaper and disguises any minor imperfections in the wall; therefore, we would always recommend it. It is also good practise if you are new to wallpaper hanging. You must use the same adhesive for your lining paper as your top paper.
If you are using a paste the wallpaper, use a paste the wall lining paper.
Cross lining means hanging lining paper horizontally to give an even finish when the top wallpaper is hung over it.
Yes, all prices are inclusive of VAT our company VAT number is
Contact SK Filson

You can email us at [email protected], complete the contact us form (insert link), or call us on:
For UK and all other countries call: +44 01165075931
Yes, email us on [email protected]
Our customer service team are available from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.